Time Message Seven Grade R Term Two 2023
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TIME Grade R
Message 7
Young children have to learn to hear the beginning or focus sounds in words. This will help them when they begin to read.

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Remember to say the sound a letter makes and not the letter’s name. Emphasise the focus sound as you say the word, for example, when you say, “Find a scarf, socks and a stick in the picture”, emphasise the s-s-s-s to help your child hear the focus sound in the words. This is also a great way to learn new vocabulary, for example: ‘calendar’ starts with c-c-c-c, ‘scale’ starts with s-s-s-s, ‘doctor’ starts with d-d-d-d, ‘patient’ starts with p-p-p-p.
Wesi- 7
Abantwana abaselula kufuneka bafunde ukumamela indlela esiqala ngayo isandi agxile kuso amagama. Oku kuza kubanceda xa beqalisa ukufunda.

Cofa apha ngezantsi ukumamela isicatshulwa
Nceda ke ukhumbule ukubiza isandi esenziwa ngunobumba kungabi ligama likanobumba. Gxininisa isandi ekugxilwe kuso njengokuba ulibiza igama, umzekelo xa usithi, “Khangela isonka, isuphu nesiselo emfanekisweni” gxininisa ku s-s-s-s ngenjongo yokuncedisa umntwana wakho eve isandi agxile kuso amagama. Le isekwayindlela ebalulekileyo yokufunda isigama esitsha, umzekelo: eli gama ‘icici’ ligxile ku c-c-c-c, igama ‘isiselo’ ligxile ku s-s-s-s, igama ‘idada’ ligxile ku d-d-d-d ukuze lona igama ‘ipapa’ ligxile ku p-p-p-p.
TIME Graad R
Boodskap 7
Jong kinders moet leer om die begin- of fokusklanke in woorde te hoor. Dit sal hulle help wanneer hulle begin lees.

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Onthou om die klank te sê wat ’n letter maak, en nie die letter se naam nie. Beklemtoon die fokusklank wanneer jy die woord sê, byvoorbeeld, wanneer jy sê: “Soek ’n serp, sokkies en ’n stok in die prent”, moet jy die s-s-s-s beklemtoon om jou kind te help om die fokusklank in die woorde te hoor. Dit is ook ’n wonderlike manier om nuwe woordeskat aan te leer. Byvoorbeeld, “kalender” begin met k-k-k-k, “skaal” begin met s-s-s-s, “dokter” begin met d-d-d-d, “pasiënt” begin met p-p-p-p.