Time Message Eight Grade R Term Two 2023

There are 3 messages, one for each language English, isiXhosa, Afrikaans. Please scroll to the language of your choice.



TIME Grade R

Message 8

Talk to your child about their drawings and attempts at writing. This shows your child that you value and appreciate what they have to say.

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If your child struggles to say something about their picture, help them by asking guiding questions, for example: “Tell me about your picture.” Or, “Do you want to say something about what you’re doing in the picture?” Or comment about something they have drawn, for example: “I like the colours you’ve used for your T-shirt. Tell me what else you’ve drawn.” Write your child’s words as they speak so that they can see each word being written.



TIME Graad R

Boodskap 8

Gesels met jou kind oor hul tekeninge en skryfpogings. Dit wys vir jou kind dat dít wat hulle sê, belangrik is.

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As jou kind sukkel om iets oor hul tekening te sê, help hulle deur leidende vrae te vra, byvoorbeeld: “Vertel my van jou prent.” Of “Wil jy iets vertel oor wat jy in die prent doen? Of maak ’n opmerking oor iets wat jou kind geteken het, byvoorbeeld: “Ek hou van die kleure wat jy vir jou T-hemp gebruik het. Vertel my wat jy nog geteken het.” Skryf jou kind se woorde neer terwyl hulle praat sodat hulle kan sien hoe elke woord neergeskryf word.




Wesi- 8

Ncokola nomntwana wakho ngemizobo yakhe nangemizamo yakhe yokubhala. Oku ke kubonisa umntwana wakho ukuba uyayithanda kwaye uyixabisile into aza kuyithetha.

Cofa apha ngezantsi ukumamela isicatshulwa

Ukuba umntwana wakho ufumana ubunzima bokuthetha ngomfanekiso, mncedise umntwana wakho ngokubuza imibuzo emkhokelayo, umzekelo: “Khawundichazele ngomfanekiso wakho.” Okanye, “Ikhona into onqwenela ukuyithetha ngento oyenzayo emfanekisweni?” Okanye ungathetha ngento ethile ayizobileyo, umzekelo: “Ndiyayithanda imibala oyisebenzise kwihempe yakho. Khawutsho yiyiphi enye into oyizobileyo.” Bhala amagama njengokuba ethetha umntwana ukuze abone ukuba igama ngalinye alibizayo libhalwa phantsi.