Time Message Three Grade 1 Term Three 2022
There are 3 messages, one for each language English, isiXhosa, Afrikaans. Please scroll to the language of your choice.
Time Grade 1
Message 3
Help your child to extend their ideas while they are learning to write. Encourage them to add more detail and descriptions to their writing.
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In the picture, Vuyo has written, “I am kicking a ball and it is freezing.” Can you see how he has extended his idea and made it much more descriptive?
Help your child to do the same. For example if your child wrote, “I am kicking a ball.” you could simply say “What else would you like to add?”
If your child struggles to think of ideas to add,help them by saying “Look at your drawing to see what else you can write about.”
TIME IBakala 1
Umyalezo woku-3
Ncedisa umntwana wakho akwazi ukwandisa izimvo zakhe xa efunda ukubhala. Mkhuthaze ukuba ongeze iinkcukacha neenkcazelo kwinto ayibhalayo.
Cofa apha ngezantsi ukumamela isicatshulwa
Emva kokuzoba umfanekiso, uVuyo ubhale oku, “Ndikhaba ibhola kwaye ndiyakuthanda ukukhaba ibhola.” Uyayibona indlela alwandise ngayo uluvo lwakhe kwanendlela achaze ngayo?
Ncedisa umntwana wakho naye enze ngolu hlobo. Umzekelo ukuba umntwana wakho ubhale, “Ndikhaba ibhola.” usenokuthi kuye, “Yiyiphi enye into onokuyongeza?”
Ukuba uyasokola umntwana wakho akakwazi ukongeza, mncedise uthi, “Qwalasela umzobo wakho ujonge ukuba yiyiphi enye into onokubhala ngayo.”
TIME Graad 1
Boodskap 3
Help jou kind om haar idees uit te brei terwyl sy leer skryf. Moedig haar aan om meer detail en beskrywings by haar skryfwerk te voeg.
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In die prent het Vuyo geskryf, “Ek speel sokker and ek is koud.” Kan jy sien hoe hy sy idee uitgebrei het en dit baie meer beskrywend gemaak het?
Help jou kind om dieselfde te doen. As jou kind byvoorbeeld geskryf het, “Ek skop ʼn bal” kan jy sê, “Wat wil jy nog verder sê?”
As jou kind sukkel om aan idees te dink om by te voeg, kan jy haar help deur te sê, “Kyk na jou tekening en dink waaroor jy nog kan skryf.”