Time Message Four Grade R Term Three 2022

There are 3 messages, one for each language English, isiXhosa, Afrikaans. Please scroll to the language of your choice.



Time Grade R

Message 4

When children learn to read and write, they need to know the sounds letters make. The games in the TIME materials give children playful opportunities to learn letters and the sounds they make.

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By looking at the pictures on the Alphabet game board your child will name each picture and this will help them hear the sounds that letters make. Name the picture and you will hear the first sound in the word. For example, you can hear the ‘f’ sound when you point and name the ‘fish’. You can hear the ‘o’ sound when you point and name the ‘orange’.

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TIME IBakala R

Umyalezo woku-4

Xa abantwana befunda ukubhala nokufunda, kufuneka bazi izandi ezenziwa ngoonobumba. Imidlalo efumaneka kwizixhobo zeTIME inika abantwana ithuba lokudlala ngelixa befunda oonobumba nezandi.

Cofa apha ngezantsi ukumamela isicatshulwa

Xa umntwana wakho ejonga imifanekiso kwibhodi yomdlalo weAlfabhethi, uza kubiza igama lento esemfanekisweni ngamnye kwaye oku kuza kumnceda eve izandi ezenziwa ngoonobumba. Biza into esemfanekisweni uzokuva isandi eligxile kuso igama. Umzekelo, uza kuva isandi u ‘j’ xa ukhombe wabiza igama u ‘jonga’. Uza kuva isandi u ‘s’ xa ukhombe ze wabiza igama u ‘sela’.

Cofa kwividiyo



TIME Graad R

Boodskap 4

Kinders moet die klanke ken wat letters maak wanneer hulle leer lees en skryf. Die speletjies in die TIME-materiaal bied kinders prettige geleenthede om letters en die klanke wat hulle maak, te leer.

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Vra jou kind om na die prente op die Alfabet-speletjiebord te kyk en elke prent te benoem. Dit sal haar help om die klanke te hoor wat letters maak. Benoem die prent en jy sal die eerste klank in die woord hoor. Byvoorbeeld, ʼn mens kan die ‘v’-klank hoor wanneer jy ‘vis’ sê. Jy kan die ‘p’-klank hoor wanneer jy ‘padda’ sê.

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