Time Message Five Grade R Term Three 2022
There are 3 messages, one for each language English, isiXhosa, Afrikaans. Please scroll to the language of your choice.
Time Grade R
Message 5
Here are more counting rhymes to share with your child. Counting rhymes are a fun way for children to learn about numbers. Say these rhymes with your child and ask them to show the numbers on their fingers as you say the rhyme together.

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One baby fish
One baby fish alone and new,
She finds a friend, and then there are two.
Two baby fish swim in the sea,
They find another one and then there are three.
Three baby fish swimming near the shore,
They find another, and then there are four.
Four baby fish go for a dive,
Up swims another one and then there are five.
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TIME IBakala R
Umyalezo woku-5
Nazi ezinye izicengcelezo zokubala onokuzenza nomntwana wakho. Izicengcelezo zokubala ziyonwabisa kwaye yindlela emnandi yokufunda ngamanani. Yenza kunye nomntwana wakho izicengcelezo uze umcele ukuba akubonise amanani ngeminwe yakhe njengokuba nisenza isicengcelezo.

Cofa apha ngezantsi ukumamela isicatshulwa
Iminwe yam
Ndiyakwazi ukubala, uyafuna ukubona?
Nantsi iminwe yam – mnye, mibini, mithathu
Mine, mihlanu, ndisigqibile esi sandla.
Ngoku ndiza kubala eyesinye isandla.
Mithandathu, isixhenxe, isibhozo, isithoba
Kushiyeke omnye, ndiqhuba kakuhle?
Ucikicane wokugqibela ngumnwe weshumi.
Ngoku ndiza kuyibala yonke kwakhona.
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TIME Graad R
Boodskap 5
Hier is nog telrympies om met jou kind te deel. Telrympies is ʼn prettige manier waarop kinders van getalle kan leer. Sê hierdie rympies saam met jou kind op en vra hom om die getalle op sy vingers te wys.

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Een babavissie
Een babavissie swem alleen in die see,
Sy kry ’n maat, en nou’s daar twee.
Twee babavissies vra: “Wie’s dit dié?”
Hulle kry nog ’n maat en nou’s hulle drie.
Drie babavissies swem tussen die wier,
Hulle kry nog ’n maat, en nou’s hulle vier.
Vier babavissies hou van dryf,
Hier kom nog ’n maat, en nou’s hulle vyf.
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