Time Message Seven Grade 1 Term Three 2022
There are 3 messages, one for each language English, isiXhosa, Afrikaans. Please scroll to the language of your choice.
Time Grade 1
Message 7
There are words that we use often when we are writing. Let your child practise writing these words in fun ways so that when they use them in their writing, they don’t have to think too hard about how to spell them.

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Keep a list of the words your child uses often. Some of these words can’t be sounded out, for example, ‘the’, ‘they’,‘said’ or ‘come’. Helping your child remember the spelling of these words will help them read and write better. You could start by using the words in the Caterpillar game in your TIME pack.
Choose a word, say it with your child and then take the word away. Next, encourage your child to practice forming the word in all the fun ways we suggest in this TIME programme – in the air, in the sand with a stick, with playdough, in lots of different colours.
TIME IBakala 1
Umyalezo woku-7
Sinamagama esiwasebenzisa rhoqo xa sibhala. Nika umntwana wakho ithuba lokuziqhelanisa nala magama ngendlela eyonwabisayo khonukuze xa ewasebenzisa kwizinto azibhalayo, angasokoli abe ecinga ngendlela apelwa ngayo.

Cofa apha ngezantsi ukumamela isicatshulwa
Yenza uluhlu lwala magama asetyenziswa qho ngumntwana, ulugcine. Amanye ala magama aza kuba mafutshane kakhulu, umzekelo, ‘le’, ‘lo’, ‘mna’, ‘yam’.
Ukunceda umntwana wakho akhumbule indlela apelwa ngayo la magama kuza kumnceda afunde futhi abhale ngcono. Ungaqala ngokusebenzisa amagama akumdlalo weCaterpillar okwipekhi yakho yeTIME.
Khetha igama, libize nomntwana wakho uze ulisuse. Khuthaza umntwana wakho ukuba aziqhelanise nokwakha igama ngeendlela ezonwabisayo ezinikwe kule nkqubo yeTIME – emoyeni, esantini, ngoluthi, ngentlama yokudlala, nangemibala emininzi eyehlukileyo.
TIME Graad 1
Boodskap 7
Ons gebruik party woorde gereeld wanneer ons skryf. Laat jou kind op prettige maniere oefen om hierdie woorde te skryf sodat sy nie te hard hoef te dink hoe hulle gespel word wanneer sy hulle in haar skryfwerk gebruik nie.

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Maak ʼn lys van die woorde wat jou kind gereeld gebruik. Party van hierdie woorde sal nie geklank kan word nie, byvoorbeeld ‘die’ en ‘ʼn’. Jou kind sal beter lees en skryf as jy haar help om die spelling van hierdie woorde te onthou. Jy kan begin deur die woorde in die Ruspe-speletjie in jou TIME-pak te gebruik.
Kies ʼn woord, sê dit saam met jou kind en neem dan die woord weg. Moedig nou jou kind aan om op al die prettige maniere wat ons in hierdie TIME-program voorstel, te oefen om die woord te vorm – in die lug, met ʼn stok in die sand, met speeldeeg, in verskillende kleure.