Time Message Five Grade 1 Term Four 2022

There are 3 messages, one for each language English, isiXhosa, Afrikaans. Please scroll to the language of your choice.



Time Grade 1

Message 5


Writing is about putting your ideas onto paper. Let your child focus on what they want to write about and not whether or not their words are spelled correctly. Encourage them to invent spelling.

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Help your child to hear the sounds in the words they want to write. You can ask, “What sound does that word start with? Can you try to write it? What sound comes next?” Remember, the more your child tries to write words on their own, the more motivated they will be to keep trying. Read More




TIME IBakala 1

Umyalezo woku-5


Ukubhala kukubeka iingcamango zakho ephepheni. Mnike ithuba ke umntwana wakho, lokuba agxile kwinto anqwenela ukuyibhala angayihoyi eyokuba amagama apelwe ngendlela echanekileyo okanye engachanekanga na. Mkhuthaze ukuba asebenzise upelo oluqanjiweyo.

Cofa apha ngezantsi ukumamela isicatshulwa

Mncedise umntwana wakho ukuba eve izandi ezisemagameni afuna ukuwabhala. Ungambuza wenjenje: “Ingaba elo gama liqala ngasiphi isandi? Ungakhe uzame ukusibhala isandi? Sisiphi isandi esilandelayo?” Nceda ke ukhumbule, okukhona ezama ukuzibhalela amagama umntwana, kokukhona eza kukhuthazeka afune ukusoloko ezama.Read More



TIME Graad 1

Boodskap 5


Skryfwerk gaan oor die oordra van jou idees op papier. Laat jou kind fokus op dít waaroor sy wil skryf en nie op die korrekte spelling van die woorde nie. Moedig haar aan om voorgee-spelling te gebruik.

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Help jou kind om die klanke in die woorde te hoor wat sy wil skryf. Jy kan vra, “Met watter klank begin daardie woord? Kan jy dit probeer skryf? Watter klank kom volgende?” Onthou, hoe meer jou kind probeer om die woorde op haar eie te skryf, hoe meer gemotiveerd sal sy wees om aan te hou probeer.Read More