Time Message Six Grade 1 Term Four 2022

There are 3 messages, one for each language English, isiXhosa, Afrikaans. Please scroll to the language of your choice.



Time Grade 1

Message 6


Celebrate your child’s learning! Children learn best in an environment that is positive and affirming.

Click below to listen to the text

Take time to acknowledge your child’s progress. They have tried new things and learned new skills. Say things like “You’ve done a good job.” “You have learned new things everyday.” “You are remembering things so well.” “I like how you keep trying.” Let them know that you are proud of all their efforts.




TIME IBakala 1

Umyalezo woku-6


Bhiyozela ukufunda komntwana wakho! Abantwana bafunda kakuhle xa bekwindawo eyakhayo nencomayo.

Cofa apha ngezantsi ukumamela isicatshulwa

Zinike ixesha lokuncoma inkqubela-phambili yomntwana wakho. Kaloku uzamile ukwenza izinto ezintsha futhi wafunda nezakhono ezitsha. Ungathetha naye uthi: “Wenze umsebenzi omhle.” “Ufunda izinto ezintsha yonke imihla.” “Uzikhumbula kakuhle izinto wena.” “Ndiyayithanda indlela ozama ngayo.” Kufuneka abantwana bazi ukuba niyazingca ngayo yonke imizamo yabo.



TIME Graad 1

Boodskap 6


Vier jou kind se leer! Kinders leer die beste in ʼn omgewing wat positief en bemoedigend is.

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Gee erkenning aan jou kind se vordering. Hy het nuwe dinge probeer en nuwe vaardighede aangeleer. Sê goed soos: “Jy het goed gedoen.” “Jy het elke dag iets nuuts geleer.” “Jy onthou dinge baie goed.”