Time Message three Grade 1 Term One 2023
There are 3 messages, one for each language English, isiXhosa, Afrikaans. Please scroll to the language of your choice.
Time Grade 1
Message 3
The Little Book stories have simple sentences linked to the pictures on each page. You can collect and store the little books in a container and your child will have their own little library to enjoy whenever they want to. Little books make story time fun!

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Once you have folded the little book, page through it and talk about each picture with your child. Then read the title of the book and the sentences on each page. Point to the words as you read. Encourage your child to read with you, and if your child is confident enough, they can try to read the book on their own, pointing to each word. Always give your child a bit of time to work out what a word says and then read the word for them if they can’t work it out. Never leave them to struggle without help.
TIME IBakala 1
Umyalezo woku 3

Cofa apha ngezantsi ukumamela isicatshulwa
Wakuba ugqibile ukuyisonga incwadi encinci, yityhile uze uncokole kunye nomntwana wakho ngomfanekiso ngamnye. Emva koko, funda isihloko sencwadi kunye nezivakalisi kwiphepha ngalinye. Wakhombe amagama njengokuba uwafunda. Mkhuthaze umntwana wakho ukuba abalise kunye nawe ibali ukuba uyafuna. Xa ugqibile ukufunda, mbuze umntwana wakho ukuba yiyiphi eyona nto ayithande kakhulu kule ncwadi. Ngokutyhila incwadi, utsho afunde ukuba kunjani ukuba ngumntu ofundayo!
TIME Graad 1
Boodskap 3

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Nadat jy die klein boekie gevou het, blaai daardeur en gesels met jou kind oor elke prent. Lees dan die titel van die boekie en die sinne op elke bladsy. Wys na die woorde terwyl jy lees. Moedig jou kind aan om die storie saam met jou te vertel as hy wil. Wanneer jy klaar gelees het, vra jou kind van watter deel hy die meeste gehou het. Jou kind leer hoe dit voel om ʼn leser te wees wanneer hy ʼn kans kry om deur die boek te blaai!