Time Message six Grade R Term One 2023

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Time Grade R

Message 6


Putting their thoughts onto paper is an important skill for your Gr R child. Drawing is a very good way to practice and prepare for writing later.

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Children sometimes find it difficult to draw what they see around them. Their drawings don’t always turn out the way that they plan for them to. This can be discouraging. When your child is drawing, look for what you like about their drawings. Say things like “I like the way you’ve drawn the cat’s fat tummy.” or “I like how you’ve tried to draw the cat’s long tail.” Don’t criticize your child’s attempts at drawing because this will make them nervous and not willing to keep trying.The more they practise the better they will become, so keep encouraging them.



TIME IBakala R

Umyalezo woku 6


Cofa apha ngezantsi ukumamela isicatshulwa

Ngamanye amaxesha abantwana bakufumanisa kunzima ukuyizoba into abayibonayo. Imizobo yabo ayisoloko iba yile nto bebecwangcise ukuyizoba. Oku ke kungabatyhafisa. Xa ezoba umntwana wakho, khangela eyona nto uyithandayo kumzobo wakhe. Ungathi ke kuye, “Ndiyayithanda indlela osizobe ngayo isisu esikhulu sekati.” okanyeRead More



TIME Graad R

Boodskap 6


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Kinders sukkel soms om dít wat hulle om hulle sien, te teken. Hul tekeninge lyk nie altyd soos hulle beplan het nie. Dit kan hulle ontmoedig. Wanneer jou kind teken, vind iets in haar tekening waarvan jy hou. Sê dinge soos, “Ek hou van die manier waarop jy die kat se vet magie geteken het” of “Ek hou daarvan dat jy probeer het om die kat se lang stert te teken.” Moenie jou kind se tekenpogings kritiseer nie, want dit sal haar senuweeagtig maak en haar laat moed opgee. Hoe meer sy oefen, hoe beter sal sy daarmee word. Hou dus aan om haar aan te moedig!