Give words

Did you know mealtimes are a great time for learning new words! Can you think of words you could say when a baby is eating or drinking? Have fun talking to your baby using words like spoon, tummy, bottle, cup, hot etc Read More

Knocking over skittles

Did you know that counting is used everyday and it is important for children to see you counting different things around you throughout the day? For this activity you will need 6 empty toilet rolls, a beanbag or folded socks and a kokie or crayon. Read More

Name and match colours

Did you know that recognising, naming and matching colours is something that we use in our everyday lives. Children need help to look carefully and notice things that are the same or different.These skills are important for your child’s general development and for their readiness to eventually attend Grade R. Read More

Show your baby you are pleased when she tries to talk

Did you know when babies are very small they love seeing their parent’s faces. In this picture the baby is touching her mother’s nose and so her mother is saying and repeating this word – ‘nose’. Read More

Saying and playing action rhymes

In the picture, the father and baby are saying an action rhyme together. They have done this together many times so the baby knows what is coming next and gets ready to do an action that goes with the song. Read More


Talk about what you are doing

Did you know that babies and young children understand much more than they are able to say? When you are with your baby talk out aloud about what you are doing while you go about your daily tasks. You can even talk aloud about some of the thoughts you may be having. Read More

Hide and seek game

Did you know that playing hide and seek games keeps your baby busy and your baby learns to be curious while you are communicating and having fun with him? What about playing on a train or in a taxi or when you are next waiting for an appointment at the clinic? Read More

Join the Library

Did you know that libraries often have a selection of special books for babies and young children? The baby books are: strong and durable; have few or no words and have simple pictures with lots of colour. Read More

Let’s play and move our bodies

When your baby begins to learn to crawl and then to walk it is an important and exciting time for them and for you. Your baby will be able to see, explore and learn much more about the environment around them. Read More

Make matching picture cards

Did you know that simple matching games will help your toddler to notice detail and develop her listening and language skills, and can be played from about two years of age. Read More

Posting boxes

Babies love to pick up and post objects. This fun activity has many benefits which includes helping to develop the small muscles in your baby’s hands, developing the connections between their eyes and hands and teaching them to problem solve all at the same time.. Read More

Explain or describe how things work to your little ones

Every day, you can find opportunities to talk about the way things work or why we do things! You’ll be building your child’s vocabulary and their knowledge of the world.  Read More


Use encouraging words

All children learn best when they feel supported and encouraged. Whether they are telling you a story, or drawing a picture or trying to write or read- be patient and know that learning is a process. Here are some positive and encouraging words to build your child’s confidence and to motivate them to keep trying!  Read More


What’s the weather like? 

Filling in a daily weather chart with your child makes them aware of how time passes and the world around them changes. It builds their vocabulary by letting them use words like ‘misty’, ‘breeze’, ‘hot’, ‘cool’ ‘shivering’, ‘blowing’, ‘sunny’, ‘windy’, ‘cloudy’. It also builds their thinking skills as they are encouraged to give their opinion and to describe similarities and differences they see.  Divide a blank page or card from a cereal box into seven blocks of the same size. Read More


Sort the laundry together

Ask your children to help you sort laundry when you are ready to fold it and pack it away. Sorting and matching is an important skill for children. It helps them recognise similarities and differences in objects. Read More


Share positive family, and everyday, stories

Hearing stories from past family experiences gives children a sense of belonging in their family. They also learn about the special language used when telling stories from the past. Listening to stories makes it easier to tell your own stories one day. Read More


Enjoy good talking time 

When children are spoken to and are  given the opportunity to speak, their language skills will get stronger. Children with good language skills are likely to find it easier to learn to read and write. There are many opportunities everyday to listen to and speak with your children.  Read More


Write a shopping list 

Let your child help you write a shopping list. As you talk about what the family needs from the shop, give your child a chance to try to write the items on the list. They won’t see it as a writing task but as a grown up task and this makes it especially fun!  How proud they would be when you take the list they helped to write with you to the shop.  Read More


Talk about a family event

This activity allows children to sequence their ideas and learn how to use language when talking about things that happened in the past. When you deepen the conversation by asking questions, you are helping children build their thinking skills. Find a photo that reminds you of a special family event.  Read More

Make a playdough character with your children

Let your child create a playdough character, They can add sticks, stones and bottle tops to make arms, legs and eyes and to give the character some personality! This activity helps children think of ways to use what they have, to create an idea that’s in their head. What a great problem- solving skill!   Read More


Making playdough together is a great home activity

Looking for a quiet and calming activity when children are feeling restless or frustrated? Try this. Making playdough together is a great home activity. You have the opportunity to build your child’s language without them realising that they are learning.  Read More


I love my body

Knowing the names of parts of their bodies helps to grow your child’s general knowledge and increases their vocabulary which makes reading and writing easier for them too.

This game lets your child practise naming the parts Read More

Have fun with an obstacle course 

Children love moving in, over and around things in an obstacle course and of course will have lots of fun watching you join in with them too! For today’s activity you and your child can have fun playing in an obstacle course. Read More

Take note of one new thing your child can do

Think about the children in your care and the things you have taught them this week- everyday things like dressing themselves, how to pack their own bags, how to greet adults. Have they helped you cook a meal this week and measured cups or counted eggs as you added them? Have they set the table and counted out the knives, forks and spoons? Have you sorted the laundry together?  Read More

Let’s play together

When you make time to watch your child play, you can observe what they do, what they already know and what they are interested in. You get to see how they expand their ideas and listen to how they solve problems during their play. Watch your child playing a pretend game. Read More

Pretend play

Why is this important? Children enjoy retelling stories through pretend play. Through pretend play the also learn how to interact with their peers and develop new ideas and imagination for stories. It is also very therapeutic to be able to try out being someone else or understanding the world through another role.

 Read More

Play with blocks and puzzles 

Why is this important?  When children play with blocks or different size boxes and containers they learn many new and useful skills. They learn how to balance one thing on top of another and find out why they balance – or why they fall down! They learn to problem solve, be creative and work together.

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Make jigsaw puzzles at home

The picture shows a four piece, homemade jigsaw puzzle. They can help children to observe carefully, and to come up with descriptive words.  Read More


Make single picture cards

This is a fun way to build up vocabulary.You will need old magazines or leaflets, a ruler, a pencil, scissors, cardboard and some glue. Cut out and paste a single picture on each card.  Read More

Make board books for little ones

Pretending to read books or reading with an adult is the best way to start learning that books are interesting and fun. Resources: Cardboard, packaging tape or cable ties, crayons or felt tip pens, scissors, glue, old magazines, leaflets, calendars, family photos.

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Play a memory game

This game develops your child’s observation, concentration and memory skills. These are important steps in helping your child learn to read and write. You will need 4 or 5 small objects from around your home, a tray or table, and a cloth to cover the objects. The number of objects will depend on the age of your child.  Read More


Play listening games 

It is important to help children develop their ability to listen carefully. With good listening skills you can understand what someone is talking about , follow instructions and complete tasks. When young children learn to read and write, they need to be able to hear the different sounds in words.  Read More

Can you guess the animal?

Guessing games help children to organize their thoughts and ideas. They learn new words and new knowledge in a fun and playful way. When children start guessing or asking questions, it is important to be patient and encourage and praise them for trying even if they make mistakes. Find pictures of five different animals. If this is difficult, you and your child could draw pictures of different animals.Read More


Play counting games

Did you know that by counting every day, little ones will soon learn the correct order of numbers and this will help them with mathematics when they go to school. Listen to your children’s counting but do not criticize them if they make mistakes as they are learning.  Read More

Notice and celebrate what your child is learning

 Children learn faster and work with fewer mistakes when they feel comfortable and confident.  Take note of what your child has learned while they are doing something they enjoy like listening to a story, drawing a picture, building a puzzle or cooking with you.  Read More

Story time with sock puppets

Acting with a sock puppet may seem like your child is ‘just’ playing but remember that every play opportunity is a chance to learn. This activity teaches children to listen to a story, repeat the story in the correct order and use their imagination to add to the story. Your child may feel more comfortable to freely express themselves by talking through their sock puppet character.  Read More

Let’s pretend!

Pretend play is fun for children and gives them a chance to use language in different ways to their everyday language. They learn to plan and be creative. Children love to act out stories they have heard or act out real life situations. Read More

Make a little story book

Stories are a great way to introduce new words and ideas into a child’s language and listening to stories helps to grow their ability to listen and concentrate. Making a little book about the story shows children that what can be spoken and heard can also be written down in a meaningful way and can be enjoyed over and over again.  Read More

Make playdough story characters

Playing with playdough exercises the fingers and strengthens the muscles that’s needed for writing. A good vocabulary and being able to sequence ideas helps children read and write better! This activity encourages your child to recall a story and builds their vocabulary while having fun with playdough! For this activity you will need playdough. Also gather some sticks, stones, leaves, flowers, beads, bottle lids and any other things that your child might want to use to add to the playdough.  Read More

Some great reading choices on African Storybook 

Have you heard of African Storybook?  Wordworks recommends the African Storybook website which has over 1300 freely available, unique storybooks, in many African languages!  Click on this link.You can access and read the storybooks directly from the website.  Read More