Time Message one Grade 1 term three 2023
There are 3 messages, one for each language English, isiXhosa, Afrikaans. Please scroll to the language of your choice.
Time Grade 1
Message 1
Encourage your child to have a go and try to spell words. They will use what they know about letters to try and spell words. The more your child’s knowledge of letters and sounds increases, the more their words will resemble the correct spelling of words.

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Don’t over-correct your child’s spelling. As they attempt to write words, acknowledge the parts they get right. This will boost their confidence to keep trying, for example: you could say, “What a good try! You got the ‘c’, ‘r’, ‘a’ and ‘t’ correct in ‘carrot’.” When we encourage invented spelling, it frees children to focus on what they want to say instead of only writing words they know how to spell. Have fun reading their words out aloud.
TIME IBakala 1
Umyalezo woku 1
Khuthaza umntwana wakho ukuba azame ukupela amagama. Uza kusebenzisa ulwazi loonobumba analo xa ezama ukupela amagama. Xa lusanda ulwazi lwakhe loonobumba nezandi, amagama akhe amaninzi aza kutsho asondele kupelo oluchanekileyo.

Cofa apha ngezantsi ukumamela isicatshulwa
Musa ukululungisa oko upelo lomntwana. Njengokuba ezama ukuwabhala amagama, mncome xa enamagama awachanileyo. Xa usenza ngolo hlobo uza kukhulisa ukuzithemba kwakhe futhi afune ukusoloko ezama. Umzekelo usenokuthi kuye, “Uzamile! Umbhale ngokuchanekileyo u ‘b’, ‘u’ no ‘s’ kwigama ‘ubuso’. Xa sikhuthaza upelo oluqanjiweyo, loo nto iyamnceda umntwana akwazi ukugxila kwinto afuna ukuyithetha endaweni yokubhala kuphela amagama akwaziyo ukuwapela. Yonwabelani ukufunda amagama akhe ngokukhwaza.
TIME Graad 1
Boodskap 1
Moedig jou kind aan om te probeer om woorde te spel. Hulle sal hul kennis oor letters gebruik om te probeer om woorde te spel. Hoe meer jou kind se kennis van letters en klanke uitbrei, hoe meer sal hy/sy begin om die woorde reg te spel.

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Moenie jou kind se spelling te veel korrigeer nie. Prys die dele wat hulle reggekry het wanneer hulle probeer om woorde te skryf. Dit sal hul selfvertroue gee om aan te hou probeer. Jy kan byvoorbeeld sê, “Wat ʼn goeie probeerslag! Jy het die ‘d’, ‘o’, ‘t’ en ‘r’ in ‘dokter’ reggekry.” Wanneer ons voorgee-spelling aanmoedig, gee dit kinders die vryheid om te fokus op dít wat hulle wil sê eerder as om net woorde te skryf wat hulle reeds kan spel. Dit kan pret wees vir die kind om die woorde hardop te lees.