Time Message eight Grade 1 Term three 2023
There are 3 messages, one for each language English, isiXhosa, Afrikaans. Please scroll to the language of your choice.
Time Grade 1
Message 8
Children learn best when they are playing and having fun. Play word games together to help your child learn to sound out and spell words.

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Play the train game and have fun saying the word and finding the matching picture. Read the game instructions carefully. If you land on a word, move forward to find the matching picture and if you land on a picture, move backwards to find the matching word.
TIME IBakala 1
Umyalezo woku 8
Abantwana bafunda ngcono xa bedlala bonwabile. Dlalani kunye imidlalo yamagama khonukuze uncedise umntwana wakho afunde ukubiza nokupela amagama.

Cofa apha ngezantsi ukumamela isicatshulwa
Dlalani umdlalo kaLoliwe nonwabele ukubiza igama ze nikhangele umfanekiso ohambelana nalo. Fundani ngenyameko imiyalelo yomdlalo. Ukuba uthe wafika kwigama, yiya phambili ukhangele umfanekiso ohambelana negama kanti ke ukuba uthe wafika emfanekisweni, buya umva ukhangele igama elihambelana nomfanekiso.
TIME Graad 1
Boodskap 8
Kinders leer die beste wanneer hulle speel en pret het. Speel woord-speletjies saam met jou kind om hulle te help om woorde te klank en te spel.

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Speel die Trein-speletjie deur die woord te sê en die bypassende prent te soek. Lees die instruksies vir die speletjie goed deur. As jy op ʼn woord land, beweeg jy vorentoe om die bypassende prent te vind, en as jy op ʼn prent land, beweeg jy terug om die bypassende woord te vind.