Time Message nine Grade R Term three 2023
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Time Grade R
Message 8
The little book is a great way for children to learn how books work and to begin their own book collection.

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It’s important to fold the little book correctly so that your child can follow the order and sequence of the story. All books have a front cover, a back cover and numbered pages. Going through the book page by page will develop your child’s understanding of how books work. After a little practice, you and your child will master the folding of the little book.
TIME IBakala R
Umyalezo woku 8
Incwadi encinci iyindlela elungileyo yokuba abantwana bafunde indlela ezisebenza ngayo iincwadi futhi baqalise ukuqokelela ezabo iincwadi.

Cofa apha ngezantsi ukumamela isicatshulwa
Kubalulekile ke ukuba isongwe ngokuchanekileyo incwadi encinci ukuze umntwana wakho alifunde ngokulandelelana kwalo ibali. Zonke iincwadi zineqweqwe langaphambili, elangasemva kunye namaphepha anonjolwe ngamanani. Ukufunda iphepha nephepha kuza kuphuhlisa ulwazi lomntwana malunga nendlela ezisebenza ngayo iincwadi. Emva kokuziqhelanisa nokusonga incwadi encinci, ninomntwana wakho niza kukwazi ukuzisonga iincwadi ezincinci.
TIME Graad R
Boodskap 8
Die Klein Boekie is ʼn wonderlike manier vir kinders om te leer hoe boeke werk en om hul eie boekversameling te begin.

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Dit is belangrik dat jy die Klein Boekie reg vou sodat jou kind die volgorde van die storie kan volg. Alle boeke het ʼn voorblad, ʼn agterblad en genommerde bladsye. Gaan bladsy vir bladsy deur die boek. Dit sal die kind help om te verstaan hoe boeke werk. Ná ʼn bietjie oefening sal jy en jou kind dit maklik regkry om die Klein Boekie te vou.