Time Message two Grade 1 Term One 2023
There are 3 messages, one for each language English, isiXhosa, Afrikaans. Please scroll to the language of your choice.
Time Grade 1
Message 2
Little books make story time fun!
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Follow the instructions to glue and fold the little book then page through it and talk about each picture with your child. Next, read the title of the book and the sentences on each page. Point to the words as you read. Encourage your child to try to read the words with you. Always give your child some time to work out what a word says or read the word for them if they can’t work it out. Never let them struggle on their own without help.
TIME IBanga loku-1
Wesi- 2
Cofa apha ngezantsi ukumamela isicatshulwa
Jonga imiyalelo ukuze wenze incwadi encinci nandule ukuyityhila uze uncokole ngomfanekiso ngamnye nomntwana wakho. Emva koko, funda isihloko sencwadi kunye nezivakalisi ezikwiphepha ngalinye. Wakhombe amagama njengokuba uwafunda. Khuthaza umntwana wakho ukuba azame ukufunda amagama kunye nawe. Yiba soloko unika umntwana wakho ixesha lokuba afumanise ngokwakhe ukuba lithetha ntoni igama okanye umfundele igama ukuba uxakiwe kukuzifundela lona. Ungaze umyekelele ukuba azizabalazele ngaphandle koncedo.
TIME Graad 1
Boodskap 2
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Volg die instruksies om die klein boekie te vou en te plak. Blaai nou deur die boekie en gesels met jou kind oor elke prent. Lees die titel van die boekie en die sinne op elke bladsy. Wys na die woorde terwyl jy lees. Moedig jou kind aan om die woorde saam met jou te probeer lees. Gee altyd vir jou kind tyd om uit te werk wat ’n woord sê of lees die woord as jou kind dit nie kan ontsyfer nie. Moet nooit jou kind alleen laat sukkel sonder om te help nie.