Time Grade 1

Message 1


Now is the TIME to learn together in an inviting, friendly space.

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The clock is ticking and the time has come for you and your child to have fun and learn together with the TIME programme. Together choose a quiet, comfortable space and set 30 minutes aside to work together with no interruptions. Gather some stationery and store it in a container so that it’s always ready to use. These could include a pencil, wax crayons or pencil crayons, blank paper or a drawing book and a pair of scissors and glue. It would be helpful to have some prestik or sticky tape to display your child’s work if you have the space. Read More



Time Grade 1

Message 2


The Little Book stories have simple sentences linked to the pictures on each page. You can collect and store the little books in a container and your child will have their own little library to enjoy whenever they want to. Little books make story time fun!

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Once you have folded the little book, page through it and talk about each picture with your child. Then read the title of the book and the sentences on each page. Point to the words as you read.

Encourage your child to read with you, and if your child is confident enough, they can try to read the book on their own, pointing to each word. Always give your child a bit of time to work out what a word says and then read the word for them if they can’t work it out.  Never leave them to struggle without help.

Video: How to fold a little book



Time Grade 1

Message 3


Play the Alphabet game – a fun way for your child to learn what the letters of the alphabet look like
and what sound each letter makes. Take your time, don’t rush and have fun learning with your child.

Video: Alphabet game



Time Grade 1

Message 4

Writing and drawing takes thinking and planning, it is fun for children and is real brain work!



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When children draw they realise that something real can be represented by a picture on paper. This is an important step for young children. It is important to encourage and support children at this stage and not to criticize their drawings and attempts at writing or to ask them to make it look better by copying yours. It takes time and practice in a safe place to develop new skills. If we laugh at children’s mistakes or embarrass them they may not feel brave enough to try again.

Help your child to think about what they want to write and then let them have a try. Always give them time to try and spell words while you guide them. If your child can already recognise some letters and the sounds each one makes, you could encourage them by saying “What sound does that word start with? Do you know how to write that letter? What sound comes next?” Never leave your child to struggle without help.

Remember that it’s important for your child to feel happy and confident in their writing ability and not to feel like they are being tested and have to get every word correct. Your child may leave out letters and spell words incorrectly and this.is fine.Your child’s writing will develop over time and so give them plenty of praise and encouragement on their journey to becoming a writer.

Praise your child’s efforts and try not to overcorrect their attempts. It’s more fun when they feel successful and when it’s fun they will practise more often and be motivated to keep writing.



Time Grade 1

Message 5

Use the TIME dice to practise counting with your child.



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Every moment is a learning moment for a young child. As you fold and make your dice, involve your child by explaining to them what you’re doing. They could help you by putting glue on the tabs that need to be stuck together and perhaps they’d like to colour the dots or decorate them.

Ask your child to roll the dice and touch the dots on the side of the dice that faces up and then help them count how many dots there are. Your child will still be learning about numbers and counting and so guide them gently while not expecting them to get it all right.

Try touching each dot, counting them with your child and then ask them to do something physical like clap hands, jump, nod their heads or tap the table top to show how many dots you counted together. For example, three dots will mean three claps or three jumps. Spend just a few minutes doing this activity. Join your child and keep it light and fun.



Time Grade 1

Message 6

Young children learn from everything they see and hear around them and so it is important to help them develop their ability to look and listen carefully. Looking and listening games give children many opportunities to practice listening.



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Children need practice to become good listeners. With good listening skills children can understand what someone is talking about, they can follow instructions and they can complete tasks.

Good looking and listening skills will help your child succeed at classroom tasks. Importantly, being able to hear the differences in sounds in words is a skill for young children to have when they begin to learn to read and write.

Playing the Letter Snake game with your child gives them time to have fun while learning about letters and the sounds they make.



Time Grade 1

Message 7

To get ready for TIME, remember to find a quiet comfortable space. Look through the activities before you set aside 20 minutes to work with your child. This is a relaxed learning time where you build your child’s confidence by using comments like “I like your thinking” and “Keep trying you will get it’’.


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Writing letters and numbers is something that needs lots of practice. It is fun and very beneficial to write numbers and letters with different tools, not just pencil and paper.

You could use a stick in the sand or your finger in a tray of rice or sugar. You could use chalk on a wall or pavement. Play dough is quick and easy to make and can be used as a fun alternative, multisensory way of practicing letters and numbers. The recipe for an easy play dough is given on the poster you received in your term 1 pack.



Time Grade 1

Message 8

Drawing and writing are important ways for your child to learn to express their thoughts and ideas. Provide them with many opportunities to do this and let them see examples of you using writing in your everyday routine. These could include writing of shopping lists, birthday cards, messages to the teacher and even cell phone text messages.

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After your child has drawn a picture ask them to talk about their picture and then to write something about their picture. Give your child a bit of time to try and spell words as you guide them but don’t leave them to struggle if they feel like they can’t. Help your child by asking them to try to write the first sound of the words.

If your child is anxious about trying to write themselves, then ask if you can write some parts of their story for them. Write their words as they speak, so that they can see each of their words being written. Talking to your child about what they are writing will make them feel that what they have to say has value and is appreciated by you. This will grow their confidence to continue writing and will help them to prepare for the skills they need to use in their school and home environments.



Time Grade 1

Message 9

Children enjoy sharing their opinion and love it when the adults with them really show an interest in what they have to say. The Big picture stories give your child the opportunity to learn new words and ask questions and a chance to develop their thinking and reasoning skills.

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When you and your child are working together with the Big picture story, use the questions we provide to spark further conversation about what they see. Back and forth conversation and not ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers will help develop your child’s language skills. Also encourage your child to talk about how things in the picture remind them of their own experiences.

You could try using some of these:
What would happen if …?
Explain why you think that.
What do you think about this?
My favourite part is…Tell me about your favourite part.
This reminds me of the time when…What else does this remind you of?

It’s not always easy for a child to explain their thoughts so give them time to think about what they are seeing in the picture and to put this into words. Praise their responses even if they manage only one word answers.



Time Grade 1

Message 10

Some stories have few or no pictures for your child to look at while you are reading to them. Stories like these encourage children to imagine the details for themselves. Sit comfortably with your child and enjoy listening to the story we have recorded.

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It is important for children to learn to listen to stories without the help of pictures.

The ability to listen carefully will allow your child to hear new words, to improve how well they understand things they hear and will help with the important communication skills of speaking and reading.

When you are reading a story keep your child interested by using different tones of your voice that help them notice the exciting or sad parts or when someone else is talking. While you listen to ‘Tortoise finds his house’ notice how you can help your child to stay focused and enjoy the story. If your child has already heard this story it doesn’t matter as children enjoy hearing the same stories being told more than once.

Click below for the story of how Tortoise found his house



Time Grade 1

Message 11

Playing board games with your child is a chance for them to have fun while they learn and spend valuable time with you. Enjoy playing the Word Bird game together!

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When you play the Word bird game your child will have to think of words that begin with different sounds. Guide them gently if they can’t think of a word. If they struggle to find a word that begins with /d/ for example, you could say: “Yes, this is /d/. Let’s look around the room and see if we can find something that starts with /d/.” Or, “Do you know anyone whose name starts with /d/? Daddy? Yes, that’s a good word! Well done. Daddy starts with /d/.”

You could encourage your child to look around the room for words or think of people’s names that they know.
Have fun with your child when you play board games together. Praise them and use encouraging words as you go along in the game.

Click on the video below to learn how the game is played


Time Grade 1

Message 12

Drawing and writing are important ways for your child to learn to express their thoughts and ideas. Give them many opportunities to do this. Let your child notice examples of writing around them and let them see how you use writing in your everyday routine. These could include writing of shopping lists, birthday cards, messages to the teacher and even cell phone text messages.

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Encourage all of your child’s attempts at writing because they are learning to communicate what they are thinking about or what they are feeling. Show your interest and talk positively to your child about their writing.

This will make them feel that what they have to say has value and is appreciated by you. Think of ways that your child can have opportunities to write. They could make cards, write simple letters, write their names on their book covers or help you write shopping lists. Always give your child a chance to try and write their words on their own.

You can write difficult words on paper for them to copy if they struggle. Encourage your child so that they want to write and give them many opportunities to do so.



Time Grade 1

Message 13

The Snail game helps children break 3 letter words into separate sounds and also helps children join sounds together so that they can read 3 letter words.

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When children know about 12 letters they are ready to start joining the letters together to read some short easy words. All the words in the Snail game are short and can be sounded out.

Some children might struggle to hear the middle sound or the last sound. This game is a fun way to keep practising hearing and reading the sounds in short words. It can be played many times over the months it takes for children to learn to read. Remember to never leave your child to struggle for too long to work out the words. If they enjoyed the game and didn’t find it stressful they will be happy to play again on other days.

Click on the video below to learn how the game is played



Time Grade 1

Message 14

Create a comfortable, encouraging working space for your child. This will help them concentrate more easily while they enjoy doing the activities.

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TIME activities can be done almost anywhere as long as your child has a firm surface to work on. If you don’t have a table use a tray, a board or a hard covered book under the page your child is working on.

Remember that children are able to think, listen and focus better when the TV or radio is switched off for the time they are working. Your child should always enjoy their special learning time with you, remember to praise them for trying each task even if they struggled.




Time Grade 1

Message 15

Did you know that using their fingers is one way for your child to help themselves count and work out answers to number problems? In fact many children can show their understanding of numbers on their fingers before they can say the name of the number.

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Don’t discourage your child from using their fingers to count and work out number problems. They are using a good and effective way to help themselves. Help your child to count or work out a number problem using different objects.

So if the problem is about spoons to set at a table, then use actual spoons. If the problem is about fruit to be shared between friends, then use actual fruit. If you don’t have real objects, you can use buttons, pegs and bottle tops or stones and leaves found in the garden.

Time Grade 1

Message 16

Learning high frequency words helps your child read and write more easily.

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High frequency words are useful to know because we see and use them all the time. All isiXhosa, and some Afrikaans and English high frequency words, can be sounded out. But eventually your child should be able to recognise these words instantly.

In English and Afrikaans there are many words that just need to be memorised because they cannot be sounded out. Playing games that practise these useful words that your child will see and use often will help them read and write more easily.

Time Grade 1

Message 17

Drawing is the first step to writing. Encourage and guide your child by talking about what they are going to draw.

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Sometimes your child will ask for help when they draw a picture. They might feel like they can’t draw well enough or that you could draw the picture better than they can. Help your child by using words and language that will let them imagine what they want to draw. If your child feels uncertain about drawing themselves in winter clothes you can help by saying things like “Let’s imagine or look at what you want to draw.

Do you have a round head or an oval head? Can you draw that? Are you wearing a warm hat on your head? What colour is it? Can you add that to your picture?” Your child is still learning and may not draw exactly what they imagined they wanted to draw. Always encourage them and praise their efforts. Controlling a pencil and putting your ideas onto paper takes time and practice.



Time Grade 1

Message 18

Enjoy listening to the story, Koketso’s party shoes, together.

Click below to listen to story and click on + to increase size of text 




Time Grade 1

Message 19

Finding the right time to learn together

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Are you finding it difficult to make time to support learning at home? You may find that just after school and early afternoon works the best for you and your child. Many parents and caregivers arrive home late in the evening. In this case, you could encourage your child to do TIME activities while the older child is also working.

You could try just before bed when the responsibilities for the day are near an end although don’t use this time if your child is tired. Each home is different and you will see what works best for you and your family.




Time Grade 1

Message 20

Refocusing your child’s attention

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Our homes are busy places. If you notice your child losing focus during a drawing or writing task you could encourage them by looking at what they have done and saying “I like what you are doing! What do you think you will do over here?” and point to the next thing they need to do. If your child loses focus during the story or the listening task you could:

  • gently repeat what you have just said.
  • remind them that there will only be a few questions and then they will be finished.
  • tell them they are working well even though it is sometimes hard to focus.


Time Grade 1

Message 21

For children to become readers and writers they need to know what letters look like and they also need to know the sound that each letter makes.

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Point to the pictures on the alphabet chart and listen to how the first sound or focus sound of the word is said.

To make sure you say each sound correctly, say the word aloud and the sound of the letter will be clear to you. Go ahead, try it!



Time Grade 1

Message 22

Enjoy listening to the story ‘The Lion and the Mouse’ together.


Click below to listen to the story






Time Grade 1

Message 23

You don’t need to be the teacher.

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Doing TIME activities at home allows your child to practise skills they have learned at school. While your child is working, encourage them where they are making progress and spend less time fixing or pointing out where they went wrong. Say things like, “That is a good try.” or “That’s a good job.” or “One more time and you’ll get it.”

If your child finds something really difficult to do please let their teacher know what you are noticing at home. The teacher will appreciate that you have spent time with your child and will be able to help your child if they need more support.






Time Grade 1

Message 24

Practising words your child will see often is a good way to build their confidence.

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Some words appear more often than other words. Recognising these words helps your child read more easily so it’s a good idea to play games to practise these words over and over again

If your child gets stuck, help them to read just the first sound of the word and then tell them the word.

Click below to watch video of how to play the game. 
Please find the game board in the Time materials pack that you already have received.



Time Grade 1

Message 25

Counting activities are fun for your child and helps them to remember the sequence of numbers.

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Saying number rhymes and singing action songs with your child will help them learn number names. Let them point to each object in a group one by one and say how many there are altogether.

Practise counting forwards and backwards in 1s and then in 2s, 5s and 10s. This will help your child group objects to be able to count quicker.



Time Grade 1

Message 26

Well done! You are one of the thousands of families using the TIME home learning programme. We’ve loved having you on this journey with us and hope to see you again for the Grade 1 TIME programme in 2022!

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Parents have told us that the TIME resources helped them to bond with their child. “The packs help us to have quiet time together,” said one parent. “Thanks to TIME, I get to know my own child better”. The TIME materials have also helped to build a happier child who is more confident and can concentrate better.

One parent said “Home work is the first thing my child welcomes me with when I come from work. He can also follow the instructions very well now. He is more talkative, playful and free.”
We hope that the TIME programme was also rewarding for you and we’d love to hear from you. Feel free to share your thoughts in our comment form in the TIME section on our Wordworks website.

We don’t offer TIME in Grade 2, but you can go back to the 2021 packs and repeat some of the activities with your child. Repetition is great for learning!