Time Message five Grade 1 Term One 2023
There are 3 messages, one for each language English, isiXhosa, Afrikaans. Please scroll to the language of your choice.
Time Grade 1
Message 5
Children need lots of practice to write letters and numbers. Remember to sound out the letter or say the number name repeatedly as it is being formed.
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Your child could use body movements to practice forming letters and numbers, for example: they could curl their body like a snake to make a /s/, or stand straight and tall to make a /l/. Pretend to write letters with your fingers on each other’s hands, backs and legs. Ask your child to write a letter or number in the sand or on the wall with chalk. Let them form letters and numbers using playdough or sticks and leaves.
TIME IBanga loku- 1
Wesi- 5
Cofa apha ngezantsi ukumamela isicatshulwa
Nika umntwana wakho ithuba lokuba asebenzise zonke izivamvo zakhe aziqhelanise nokwakha oonobumba namanani, umzekelo: angatyhalela umzimba wakhe emacaleni nangasemva azenze mkhulu kangangomntu onokuba ngusisi aze abize isandi esithi /s/, okanye angema nkqo azolule ukuze enze unobumba u /l/ Linganisani ukubhala oonobumba ngeminwe yenu ezandleni zenu, emqolo nasemilenzeni. Mcele umntwana wakho ukuba abhale unobumba okanye inani esantini, edongeni ngetshokhwe. Mcele abumbe oonobumba namanani ngentlama yokudlala okanye ngezinti nangamagqabi. .
TIME Graad 1
Boodskap 5
Kinders het baie oefening nodig om letters en getalle te leer skryf. Onthou om die letter te klank of die getalnaam weer en weer te sê terwyl dit gevorm word.
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ou kind kan liggaamsbewegings gebruik om te oefen om letters en getalle te vorm, byvoorbeeld: hulle kan hul lyf soos ’n slang opkrul om ’n /s/ te maak of lank uitstrek en regop staan om ’n /l/ voor te stel. Maak of julle met jul vingers letters op mekaar se hande, rûe en bene skryf. Vra jou kind om ’n letter of getal in die sand of met bordkryt op die muur te skryf. Laat hulle letters en getalle uit speeldeeg of stokkies en blare vorm.