Time Message six Grade 1 Term Two 2023

There are 3 messages, one for each language English, isiXhosa, Afrikaans. Please scroll to the language of your choice.


Time Grade 1

Message 6

Counting rhymes are a fun way for children to learn about numbers. Say these rhymes with your child and ask them to show the numbers on their fingers as you say the rhyme together.

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One banana, two bananas, three bananas and four. Five bananas in a bunch, let us eat them all. Taxi driver stop for us, We want to catch your taxi bus. We get in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Taxi driver now you can drive. Taxi driver stop for them. We get in 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Thank you driver, we’re all in.


TIME IBanga loku- 1

Wesi- 6

Cofa apha ngezantsi ukumamela isicatshulwa

Ibhanana enye, iibhanana ezimbini, Iibhanana ezintathu nezine. Isipha seebhanana ezintlanu, Masizitye zonke. Umqhubi weteksi uyasimisela, Sifuna ukukhwela iteksi yakho. Angene amakhwenkwe nga- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Ungahamba mqhubi. Abamisele umqhubi weteksi, Angene amantombazana nge-6, 7, 8, 9 no-10. Enkosi mqhubi, singene sonke.


TIME Graad 1

Boodskap 6

Telrympies is ’n prettige manier vir kinders om van getalle te leer. Sê hierdie rympies saam met jou kind op en vra hulle om vir jou die getalle op hul vingers te wys terwyl julle die rympie saam opsê.

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Een piesang, twee piesangs, drie piesangs en vier. Vyf piesangs in ’n tros, kom ons eet almal op. Taxi-drywer, taxi-drywer, sal jy vir ons stop? Hou tog stil, dan klim ons op. Seuns is in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Nou sit ons almal lekker styf. Taxi-man, wag, laat ons sien. Hier’s nog plek vir 6, 7, 8, 9 en 10. Nou’s ons reg om te laat wiel!