Frequently Asked Questions
Click + for the answers to these questions about TIME or scroll down for contact details and a form to submit your own question.

Questions & Answers
Who developed the TIME programme?
TIME was developed by leading NGOs and will reach families through collaborative NGO and government partnerships.
What areas of early childhood development does TIME focus on?
TIME builds foundational language and mathematics skills.
How many resources packs will be available in 2023?
TIME resource packs will be available for each term for Grade R and Grade 1
Is TIME available in other languages?
TIME materials can be procured in any of the other eight official languages. For enquiries contact info@wordworks.org.za
Why is TIME not available in other languages?
This is just a matter of budget. We are very keen to make high quality versions of TIME in all SA languages. Please be in touch if you can assist or fund the necessary translation and production involved.
Why is this programme called TIME?
Can more schools join TIME?
Yes, Follow these steps:
- Secure school buy in
- Secure funding for resources.
- Print resources *
- Complete the application form to secure delivery of materials and support systems. Click here
* NOTE: You can either do bulk printing through the TIME Programme OR we can provide you with printed PDFs.
Can more organisations join TIME?
Yes, Follow these steps:
- Decide how many schools/ families you can support.
- Secure funding for the resources.
- Print resources *
- Complete the application form to secure delivery of materials and support systems. Click here
* NOTE: You can either do bulk printing through the TIME Programme OR we can provide you with printed PDFs
How do I indicate my interest in participating in the programme?
Contact info@wordworks.org.za
How can I access print quality pdfs for businesses and schools to print?
Contact info@wordworks.org.za
I would like to sponsor packs to be distributed by the Department of Education and NGOs. How do I do this?
Contact info@wordworks.org.za
I am worried that parents will not have the qualifications to do the programme at home
The good news is that parents, caregivers and older siblings can play an important role in supporting children’s early learning. TIME offers a simple set of ‘mini-lessons’ for parents to do at home with their children. The materials will guide parents to spend a structured 20 – 30 minutes with their child, following clear steps every day.
Why does TIME focus on Grade R and Grade 1
In Grade R and Grade 1 children take their first steps to become readers and writers. This lays the foundation for future learning.
Still need help?
Contact us
Fax no: 086 775 7930
Email: info@wordworks.org.za
Address: 46 Main Road
Heathfield, 7945
Cape Town
South Africa