Wordworks Mobile Phone App
Download our Mobile Phone App for practical and engaging content for children of ages birth to 2 years, and 3-5 years. You will enjoy the following features …
NOTICE: We are aware that there is a problem with the APP at the moment and are working to fix it. Thanks for your patience!
Wordworks Mobile Phone App
Download our Mobile Phone App for practical and engaging content for children of ages birth to 2 years, and 3-5 years. You will enjoy the following features …
- New ideas and activities to build language and support early learning
- Positive and encouraging words to use with babies and young children
- Inspirational messages for parents and caregivers
- Demonstration videos
- Stories to tell young children
- Songs and rhymes
- Health messages for the first 1000 days from birth
To download the App, search for WORDWORKS in the Google Play Store (only on Android Device) Click Here
For more info, and detailed instructions for download, please click on this link: Wordworks App Leaflet
Example screens of the App are below:
- New ideas and activities to build language and support early learning
- Positive and encouraging words to use with babies and young children
- Inspirational messages for parents and caregivers
- Demonstration videos
For more info, and detailed instructions for download, please click on this link: Wordworks App Leaflet
Example screens of the App are below:




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